Täna peaaegu 40 km edasi ja õhtul ööbimine väiksel Pakri saarel. Aeg läheb kiiresti ja palve ja vestlus hoiab mõtted fokuseeritud. Rannik on ilus. Palju kenam kui oleksin ette kujutanud. Merepõhi on selgelt näha. Liivapõhi või valged kivid mererohuga kõrvuti. Vesi on puhas ja ikka veel soe.
Mõtted liiguvad üle mere: Tihti räägib Jumal meie vastu unistuste kaudu. Temal on meie jaoks unikaalne ja eriline plaan. Ta räägib sageli tuleviku plaanide kohta sisemiste piltide kaudu meie südames. Tema tahe saab meie tahteks, Tema igatsus saab meie igatsuseks, Tema soov saab meie sooviks. Jumala soov ei ole, et käime ringi ilma sihita ja ei tea mis Tema tahe on. “Sest mina tunnen mõtteid, mis ma teie pärast mõlgutan, ütleb Jehoova: need on rahu, aga mitte õnnetuse mõtted, et anda teile tulevikku ja lootust!” Jr11:29 “Sest Jumal on see, kes teis on tegev, et te tahate ja tegutsete tema hea meele järgi.”Fl 2:13
Mõtted liiguvad pere suunas. Lapsed ja perekond on üks elu hinnalisematest osadest. Oleme aerutamise ajal rääkinud telefooni teel ja vaatan pilte. Ootus on suur taas kohtuda ja koos aega veeta.
Today, almost 40 km paddling distance and the night spent on small Pakri island. Time goes fast and through prayer I keep my thoughts focused. The coast is beautiful. Much nicer than I would have imagined. The seabed is clearly seen. The white sand and shift of rocks placed on seagrass beds. The water is clean and still warm.
Thoughts are moving across the sea: Often God speaks to us through dreams. He has a unique and special plan for us. He often speaks about the future plans through images in our heart. His will becomes my will, his wishes becomes my wishes, His goals to be my goals. God’s desire is not for me to walk around without a goal not knowing what to do or what His will is. ” For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD of peace, and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope! ” Jr11 : 29 ” For it is God who is active in you, that you want to do what is good and pleasing .” Fl 2:13
Thoughts are moving towards the family. Children and family is one of the more valuable and precious relationships on earth. I´ve been talking with my family thorugh mobile and internet while paddling and looking at a lot of pictures. Expectation is high to soon meet and spend time together.